Fawry & Massar Egbari

Experience the magic of Fawry Ramadan Commercial! Essence Adverts, in collaboration with Fawry & Massar Egbari .


Dive into EverHer's captivating new ad! Created by Essence Adverts and EverHer for the best hair vitamins.

GSK - Zyrtec

"Prepare to be Enchanted: Unveiling Our Latest Commercial for Zyrtec by GlaxoSmithKline, Your Go-To Allergy Medicine!"

Panda Supermarket

our brand new Commercial Series for Panda Supermarket! Get ready to be captivated by a world of beautiful characters

World Trade Center

Essence Adverts crafted a remarkable commercial along with a comprehensive photoshoot for the iconic World Trade Center.

Ahmad Tea

Essence Adverts orchestrated a massive 360-degree campaign for Ahmad Tea Gulf, encompassing media production and strategic media buying.


Covering first Mercedes-Benz test drive center at Madinaty Golf Club

Fit&Fix Bridgestone

Essence's video for Fit&Fix Bridgestone delivers a powerful message: "Women Can Do Everything."


A stunning photoshoot and media production for the launch of their new product, the Chloride Platinum car battery.

Noor City - TMG

Run very short Lead generation campaign and Get the lowest CPA possible

Essence Adverts is now Essence adverts
Our services

integrated marketing communications agency , driven by quantifiable results.

Essence Adverts is a dynamic integrated marketing communications agency known for its agility and efficiency, offering a comprehensive suite of services, including media productions, social media creative content and management, media planning and buying, as well as technology development.
Headquartered in Cairo and Dubai, we extend our operations to Istanbul and Canada, delivering our innovative solutions across the region.
Our journey began in 2012 when Essence Adverts Ltd was founded as a digital marketing agency specializing in the comprehensive management of paid search, display advertising, and social media campaigns.

View all services
Digital Marketing

We help the most exciting brands unlock growth through carefully crafted paid media campaigns and digital experiences. .

Media Production

We create beautiful and impactful visual content for some of the world’s best brands.

Design and Branding

We craft memorable identities, ones which captivate your unique target audience and ensures spikes in your sales growth.

Web & App Solutions

We deliver enterprise-level web development solutions which are exceptionally simple to manage and provide a streamlined UX.


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Beware of Spam: We do not send unsolicited messages requesting personal information or money transfers.
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